CBJ Well Journal #2019WOMRHoliday
This gorgeous 9″ x 7″ spiral bound hardcover journal has tracking daily nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle choices for a full 12 week period. It helps you set goals, plan your meals, make your grocery list, notate inspirational quotes to keep you motivated and focused on reaching your goals all in one place. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

You are also able to track your weight and body measurements. It has extra pages to write down your favorite recipes, meals and other things you may want to remember as you take your nutrition, fitness and goals to another level. I love that this book doesn’t look like a typical boring nutritional tracking book. I love that I am able to be reminded of things I want to track but would be more likely to forget in just a blank journal.

The hardcover keeps it protected in my gym bag, purse, work bag, and even in the cart at the grocery store. I am sort of a private person and do not like to be asked a lot of questions about certain things and my weight and nutrition goals are one of them.
So having a journal that looks like just a typical journal and doesn’t have nutrition or fitness or anything you would typically see for a book or journal of this sort stamped all over it to provoke questions is awesome.