A Winter Wonderland Of Babies Event
A Winter Wonderland Of Babies Event Is HERE! We get to CELEBRATE all the new babies in our lives!
Joy Of Momma Joyner and Mama On A Green Mission are both welcoming their 3rd babies in the next few weeks! Along with a wonderful group of bloggers, they want to offer ONE WINNER an awesome Prize Package full of great items for Mama, Baby, and even for Siblings!
The Prize Package Includes:
Halo – Swaddle – $38
Pish Posh Baby – OiOi Diaper Bag – $130
Undercover Mama – Nursing Tank Top – $25
Boba – 4G Carrier – $128
Live Clean Baby – Tearless Shampoo & Wash, Moisturizing Baby Wash, Moisturizing Baby Lotion, Non-Petroleum Jelly, and Moisturizing Bar Soap – $35
Fairhaven Health – Milkies Milk Saver, Milkies Freeze, and winner’s choice of Nursing Postnatal or the Nursing Blend – $90
Making Mama’s Milk Cookies – 1 Month Supply Of Cookies – $48
Wink Shapewear – Ultimate Belly and Hip Shaper – $50
Avent – 2 Bottles and Double Electric Breast Pump – $230
Tiny Love – NEW Gymini Developlace – $80
Woolino – Swaddle and Hat – $70
Kolcraft – Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet – $200
Build A Bear – Gift Card – $25
Envie de Fraises – Nursing Top and 2-pack Nursing Bras – $105
Pink Blush Maternity – Nursing Dress – $35
Kerrific Kerr Online – Burp Cloth Set – $43
Tickety Toc – DVD – $10
Applecheeks – Applecheeks Bundle and Wet Bag – $40
Red Barn Cloth Diapers – AI2 Diaper – $24
I See Me – Hello World Book – $30
Little Me – Sleeper and Coming Home Outfit – $50
Swaddle Designs – Crib Sheet and Ultimate Receiving Blanket – $55
Delta Children – Multi-Bin Organizer – $30
Tommee Tippee – Complete Starter Kit, Pacifiers, Teethers – $118
Wee Urban – Romper – $28
Simple Wishes – Hands Free Pumping Bra – $39
Infant Lane – Pajamas – $60
Lalaloopsy – Lalaloopsy Babies Doll – $20
That’s a Total Prize Package Value of $1,836!!
So, what do you think? Ready to enter? It’s simple! Just fill out the Giveaway Tools Form below. There are plenty of entry options, and the more you do, the better your chances of winning are!
The A Winter Wonderland Of Babies Event Prize Package is open to all legal residents of the United States who are 18-years-old or older. This event will run from 12:00am EST Monday, January 27, 2014 through 11:59pm EST Friday, February 14, 2014. Best Of Luck!
Disclaimer: Joy Of Momma Joyner, Mama On A Green Mission, and all the participating blogs are not responsible for the fulfillment of the prizes. The sponsors will send the prizes directly to the winner. We are also not responsible for any unfortunate accidents that may result from the use of any of these products.
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I would be most excited to win the Halo – Swaddle. My baby LOVES to be swaddled
I am most excited to win the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet.
There are so many really cute things for baby, but my choice would be the Bob carrier. Babies need the comfort of their Mom’s strength, smell and sounds to feel secure, and that is a big thing for sure!
This is a wonderful giveaway . my daughter is pregnant and past her due date. Everything looks amazing. The swaddle designs would be great.
Complete Starter Kit would be awesome!
The Boba.
Our family is soon to be blessed with a new baby who I want to have everything a baby should have. The $1,800 baby prize package was so thoughtfully filled.
The Build a Bear gift card
Little me sleeper and coming home outfit
so hard too choose my favorites the build a bear gift card and 3 in 1 bassinet would be awesome
I would be happy with any of them. My sister in law is pregnant and any of these prizes would be a lovely gift for her.
the organizer
I would love to win everything for a friend of mine that’s having a baby!
I like the multi bin organizer
I’m most excited about the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
I’m most excited about the Contours Classique 3-in-1 bassinet
I am most excited about the Wink Shapewear.
the boba
The Making Momma’s Milk Cookies!
Anything free.
I’d be most excited about winning the Avent – 2 Bottles and Double Electric Breast Pump – $230
So many great prizes!! Most excited about Pish Posh diaper bag,
The boba carrier! But honestly all of them!
I See Me – Hello World Book
WOW Just having a chance is a gift to me but I Know grandma here is going to love Tiny Love – NEW Gymini Developlace – $80 and the see me book ..Love to teach.. Calobe’s Father my son was born 31 yrs ago . at 3lbs 14 oz… Do you know how excited I am about this first born i cannot sleep..I am only family as I lost hubby.my mom and brother too on Nov 2012 10th and 20 yrs w/Randy your life becomes just the 2 of you ..So I just talk my leg off now ..so srry.. Just lonely for now ..lol good luck to all and have a blessed day …thank you for the chance <3
baby time in my fam
Most excited to win the Boba – 4G Carrier – $128
The Avent Breast Pump for sure!
As a new breastfeeding mother of a 3 week old, I am going to say anything nursing related and the 4G Carrier. Everything else is awesome but those things I can use the most. 🙂 Thanks for this giveaway and everything all of you lovely hosts do!
Hard to pick one item in this giveaway that stands out more than the rest….great gift for the new mother in our family!
I’m most excited about the Avent or Tommee Tippee kits 🙂
An Advent breast pump will make life so much easier! I hope I win!! What a fantastic contest. Thank you for making it happen!!
This would be such a blessing to win. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
I love the ultimate receiving blanket, and crib sheet!! So cool!
I am most excited to win the Month Supply Of Cookies
Great for my new nephew.
Breast pump, carrier or nursing bras.
I’m most excited about the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
Avent bottle /pump.
Honestly, all of the nursing products, they all would be wonderful!
The Kolcraft Contours Clasique Bassinet would be a wonderful treat to win!
I like to win Kolcraft – Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet – $200
As a Mother of 3, I vote for the Wink Shapewear!
I am most excited about the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
The Boba – 4G Carrier – $128
wow all great gifts but the Basinet would help out. I would love to win all the great gifts for my new grandbaby. how sweet it is to be able to enter to win. Thank you very much
I want the Little Me…come home outfit and sleeper 50.00
The swaddle designs
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
I am MOST exited for the “Little Me – Sleeper and Coming Home Outfit ” to bring my 1st Grand Baby home due Oct 2nd 2014…just found out a few days ago 🙂
I hope i win!
the Kolcraft bassinet, grandma needs a place for baby to be to sleep 🙂
Just found out my son and his wife are expecting my second grand child. This would be perfect.
3-in1 bassinett
The OiOi diaper bag
HONESTLY!! I cant pick my favorite I have a new grandson that was born 7 weeks early and they are in need of so much, My son is a Corporal in the Marine Corp and its sad they are having trouble providing for their son. Thanks to everyone for the chance this would be a blessing for them. PRAYING!!!
I am most excited to win the Contours Bassinet
This would be wonderful, currently 25 wks with my first!
The making mama’s milk cookies sounds yummy and we all should start out with good cookies.
The nursing dress
The boba carrier – go baby wearing!
I have 21 great grands and more coming. wow–spread the prizes around and make everyone happy.
I’d be most excited to win the breast pump.
Boba Carrier
i like the nursing tank top and the hands free pumping top
I like the Tommee Tippee set the best
We need this!! Son and DIL are having twins this summer!
I’m most excited about the Boba 4g carrier and the Envie de Fraises – Nursing Top and 2-pack Nursing Bras.
Complete Starter Kit, Pacifiers, Teethers
my daughter has a 6 4 3 2 and 7 month old and one on the way she could use it all but she especially wants the bassinet
I want to win for my coworker, she just tested positive three times for her first baby. I’m going to be a work Aunt. We are all excited!!
I am most excited about the Multi-Bin Organizer!
I hope I win.
I’m most excited about the making moms milk cookies….sounds interesting!
Thank you for the chance!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
Excited for the boba carrier
I am most excited about the applecheeks wet bag
All the prizes are more than good, every Mother can use everything in this basket. Thank you.
Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
Applecheeks bundle!
I would be so excited to win the Contours Bassinet !
Thanks for the opportunity!
So many to choose from, but I would say the 3 in 1 bassinet. Very nice! What a terrific giveaway. Thanks!
I am most excited about the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet. Thanks for the chance to win!
Swaddle Designs – Crib Sheet and Ultimate Receiving Blanket
This package of baby items would really make my daughter happy she just had a baby girl dec 2, 2013.
I like the Kolcraft Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
Could use it all, but bassinet looks great if I have to pick just one!
Build A Bear – Gift Card – $25
I’m most excited to win the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet.
I would just like to be able to share this with my kids and some special friends….on a pay it forward kick this year……
I excited about the Avent – 2 Bottles and Double Electric Breast Pump. 🙂
a lot of these things are great! I like the idea of the build a bear gift card, though – custom teddy bears are so sweet and fun!
Hard to pick just one, all of the nursing stuff makes me super excited, bras, nursing tanks, milk cookies etc!!!
The pump! I’m due this month so this would be absolutely fabulous to win!
Luv to win bodyshaper!
OiOi Diaper Bag
Excited for the new breast pump.
I am excited about the Avent – 2 Bottles and Double Electric Breast Pump . breast Pumps are so expensive but worth it!
Excited about the bassinet!
Love the Tommee Tippee set, Boba and bassinet.
OiOi Diaper Bag – $130
I’m most excited about the Boba carrier!
I am excited about the Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet
Im excited about the Build a bear GC
I’m so excited about Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet, LOVE!!!
The Delta multi-bin organizer would be great- maybe my kids would actually attempt at keeping their room clean for a while.
The boba carrier for my granddaughter’s new baby girl
I like the Boba – 4G Carrier
I’m excited about the breast pump and the Boba carrier!
I would love the bassinet and the Boba carrier
The bassinet and blanket look very nice.
Tommee Tippee – Complete Starter Kit, Pacifiers, Teethers – $118
I excited about the Kolcraft – Contours Clasique 3-in-1 Bassinet – $200