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Why are women going crazy over Manuka Honey?

Manuka honey is a type of honey that is produced in New Zealand. It has many benefits – it can be used as a natural skincare product, it can be applied to wounds and it’s also great for fighting bacteria. This honey is not only a great source of natural medicine but its taste and smell also make it a popular food item. 

While manuka honey has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine, it has recently become popular among health enthusiasts and women. Here are some reasons why women love manuka honey: 

1) It can help with skin conditions such as :

  • Acne

Manuka honey is a popular alternative to acne treatment. It has been used for centuries and is known for its antibacterial properties. This is a type of honey with the highest levels of antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. In fact, it is so potent in these areas that it can kill acne-causing bacteria within hours of application.

The antibacterial properties of manuka honey are due to methylglyoxal, which has been shown to kill off bacteria by inhibiting their cell walls and DNA synthesis. This process causes the death of cells from within, which prevents bacterial growth and infection in the skin.

  • Eczema

Manuka honey is an effective treatment for eczema and other skin conditions. It is because eczema cream contains natural ingredients like manuka honey, and potent antimicrobial compounds that can kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses on contact. It is now slowly becoming a popular replacement for pharma eczema cream due to these natural characteristics. In fact, its use as a topical treatment has been around since the 1920s when doctors first began using it in hospitals to treat wounds and burns.

  • Psoriasis

Manuka honey has been used for centuries as a topical treatment for psoriasis because it has anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it was first used by Maori tribes in New Zealand to treat skin conditions, including psoriasis.

The UHMS website states that “the anti-inflammatory effect of manuka honey is at least partly attributed to its high levels of methylglyoxal (MGO)”. MGO is an organic compound with antibacterial properties that may be effective against bacteria that cause psoriasis, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes.

2) It helps with bloating and gas

Manuka honey can be used as an alternative to antibiotics because it contains methylglyoxal (MGO), which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria by attacking their membrane and cell walls. This helps with bloating and gas since MGO works on the gut flora in your intestines, reducing inflammation and improving digestion.

3) It also helps with weight loss

Manuka Honey helps weight loss by reducing appetite through the hormone leptin release. It has a unique composition of sugars, minerals, and antioxidants that aid in digestion and metabolism. 

Weight loss can be difficult, but manuka honey is an easy way to lose weight. It doesn’t have any calories and it’s low in sugar. The nutrients in it provide energy to the body, which helps burn fat cells faster than ever before.

4) It is effective against respiratory infections and coughs.

The honey has been found to be effective against respiratory infections. It has been used as a treatment for respiratory infections since the 1800s. Manuka honey is believed to have antibacterial properties and is commonly used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The honey’s high concentration of hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi without harming human cells. It has also been shown to help fight cancer and heart disease.

There is no denying that Manuka honey is in fact a very beneficial kind of honey with some amazing properties. It helps with a lot of problems that women face today. Not only does it keep women away from harmful pharmaceutical medicines but it also tastes good!

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