A Little of Everything

The Wonder Years!

Disclosure: I received this  product to facilitate my review, however, all opinions are my own and I was not required to give a positive review.

I love to watch reruns of old sitcoms! My husband and I have a lot of fun introducing each other to television shows that we loved as kids, and we like to discover old shows that we might have missed when they were popular. You know, when you have kids it seems like you can get really out of the loop for a few years and your entertainment consists of cartoons.

Recently we got a chance to check out a complete series of The Wonder Years! This set contains all 6 seasons of the very popular coming of age story. We loved how the series came packaged! 2 old school style binders enclose all of the discs. They are stashed in a mini locker that comes with magnets you can adorn it with! How fun right?!

We had a lot of fun catching up with the Arnold Family and getting a glimpse of what life was like in the era of the Veitnam War. We picked our favorites {Winnie Cooper! Kevin Arnold!} It was great to have the entire series in hand. I loved that I could watch every episode in order!

The Wonder Years!

This is the ultimate gift for anyone that enjoys Vintage Entertainment or the Wonder Years! The packaging alone makes this a great investment! You can get this 6 season set from Time Life Video as well as many other fun shows that are suitable for the entire family!

Did you watch the Wonder Years? I didn’t back in the day, but now that I have started, I am hooked! I can’t wait to watch it again with my kids in a few years when they are out of that cartoon phase!

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