The Christmas Chronicles
I just love this time of the year. Everyone spirits are lifted and they are in a good mood. (At least for the most part) It’s just a great time to spend a little more time with the family and remembering what is important. One of our favorite things to do as a family is watching movies. This year will be watching The Christmas Chronicles.

The Christmas Chronicles is a wishful, hilarious, family festive adventure. This is our first live action family film with a well established director and big profile actor in Kurt Russell. From producer Chris Columbus (“Home Alone”, “Harry Potter”) and director Clay Kaytis (“The Angry Birds Movie”), The Christmas Chronicles, tells the story of sister and brother, Kate (Darby Camp) and Teddy Pierce (Judah Lewis), whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus (Kurt Russell) on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about. After staking out Santa’s arrival, they sneak into his sleigh, cause it to crash and nearly derail Christmas. As their wild night unfolds, Kate and Teddy work together with Santa – as you’ve never seen him before – and his loyal Elves to save Christmas before it’s too late.

Did you know that The Christmas Chronicles premieres on Netflix, November 22, 2018! We are so excited to watch this movie as a family. Nothing is better this time of the year than cuddling up with the family and a cup of hot coco!