Today is Father’s day. As a daughter of a veteran, a friend of a veteran, and a friend to many single parents I realize one thing. That one is that there are some families for whatever reason don’t have a father. The Mother/Mom is a one-woman show. Those women deserve love too..honestly maybe a little […]
Super Moms – 6 Secrets of Successful Working Mothers
Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash Modern moms do it all – work, help with homework, have dinner on the table and keep the mess to a (hopefully) reasonable level. With more mothers navigating the return to the office while keeping the home fires burning, there are a few essential steps to keep life […]
Epiphanie Bag Giveaway
Sponsored by Epiphanie Bags! Hosted by The Stuff of Success This is Epiphanie Bags Kiwi Sydney bag and it is their slimmest bag and designed for maximum comfort – specifically for traveling and all day shoots. There is even a back pocket to hold an iPad. That is always helpful especially on long trips. It […]