If you asked my kids they would tell you that Halloween is one of their favorite holidays. They love everything about it. The pumpkins, costumes, and of course the candy. (Who doesn’t like candy!) As they are getting older I am trying to find more creative ways to celebrate the holidays with them. This year […]
Make Your Own Jack O Lantern Craft
Halloween is just a few short weeks away! I have this Jack O Lantern Craft for it! Who’s excited?! I know my kids are. I am not sure I am ready for the sugar high that’s going to be coming. Is a mom ever truly ready? This year I am trying to get the kids […]
12 Games to Play at Your Halloween Party
If you are throwing a Halloween party this year, you will need some awesome games to entertain your guests! This year instead of spending a on of money on specialty games you can make your own spooktacular options and have some really happy guests in the process! I have gathered 12 games to play at […]
7 DIY Halloween Costumes
There is something special about a homemade costume, especially for the grown-ups that get to watch all of the kids out trick or treating or marching in a Halloween parade! I am giving much consideration to making costumes this year instead of buying a costume that everyone else has too! I Found 7 Kids Costumes You […]
15 Things to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy!!
Halloween is here. Are you like me and still have leftover candy from Easter and Christmas? Sad hugh! I was setting here looking at the candy stash wondering what in the world will I do with all this candy and all the new candy that they will be getting. So what did I do? Went […]
Halloween Cutting Pages (Printable!)
Halloween is just around the corner. When I was little the one thing I associate Halloween with is candy! What kid didn’t?! With my kids I wanted to take it a step further. I want to spend the whole month celebrating Halloween and not just one day. I want them to remember all the fun […]
13 Pumpkin Carving Patterns
Check out these Pumpkin carvings! It’s probably one of the kid’s favorite holidays and for the obvious reason! CANDY!!! Who doesn’t love candy? My favorite part is the pumpkins! I love decorating them for several reasons. The main reason is it’s a great family bonding time. The next reason, I LOVE making pumpkin seeds. The […]
25 DIY Halloween Costume Projects
In a kids eye Halloween is pretty important. Getting creative with DIY Halloween Costumes and they get tons of candy. What kid wouldn’t have fun?! While beginning our costume preparations this year, we got to thinking about what was the most popular Halloween costumes throughout the years. There were a lot of great ideas from […]
Skeleton Mat
I love decorating for Halloween and I’m always looking for new and exciting decor that is fun to use for Halloween. I recently got a Halloween doormat that is a skeleton but even better than that is this is no ordinary skeleton mat. This is an optical illusion mat that makes it look like there […]
Halloween Snacks to Serve This Halloween
Halloween snacks are a must at a party! This year Halloween is going to be a deliciously spooky event at my house! We are going to decorate, carve lots of pumpkins, get the coolest costumes and of course, eat the best snacks too! With four kids Halloween time is the best time of the year. […]