Tag: advice

Parenting School Time! Tips/Advice

10 Tips for Getting Kids ready For Going Back to School

Tips for Getting Kids Ready For Going Back to School The walk to the bus stop every morning is near {I hear your applauds!} and it’s time to start getting the kids ready for going back to school. Here are a few tips to help get your and your family started….and more importantly to avoid […]

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Healthy Living

Practice Self Care: Pamper Yourself With Love Using These Tips

Feeling overwhelmed due to hectic work and life schedules has become pretty normal for everyone. As the schedules are often jam-packed, finding time to take care of your personal needs, let alone pamper yourself, seems like a task. But, should you feel this way? The answer is absolutely NOT!  Practicing self-care is critical in so […]

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Parenting Tips/Advice

5 Things you Should Know about Using a Baby Gate

Choosing baby gates that will properly put together safety and functionality may be a difficult task when it comes to childproofing your house. The list below is a combination of the things you should put into consideration before using a baby gate; Use at the top and bottom of the staircase Most people think that […]

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