
Surprising Stats: 5 Eye-Opening Global Trends in Workplace Diversity

All workplaces can benefit from having a diverse and inclusive team of employees contributing to their overarching goals. From higher levels of innovation to increased creativity, there are infinite reasons your business should focus on this vital aspect of company culture. 

Still not convinced it should be a priority? These eye-opening statistics from across the globe should change your mind. From gender diversity in the workplace in Australia to bias against neurodivergent people in the US, these stats and studies reveal the trends businesses should be getting on board with: 

  1. Companies With Diverse Gender Representation Do Better

Research has found that companies with gender diversity at the executive level are nearly 25% more likely to see above-average profits. That’s just one reason businesses worldwide are increasingly trying to promote gender equality and close the ever-present gender pay gap. 

Helping create change are organizations like the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) in Australia. This non-profit has been driving progress by actively working with employers, and working on legislation, awareness, and resources for better gender representation and diversity country-wide. 

  1. Remote Working Boosts Diversity

Studies have shown that in some firms, only 14% of employees are from working-class backgrounds. Unfortunately, industry talent pools can be incredibly filtered, inaccessible to under-represented groups, and therefore greatly lacking in diversity. Much of this has happened because of locality and systems that filter certain groups into the best jobs.

The researchers found that with remote work, geographical bias is greatly reduced, leading to teams that are more geographically and culturally diverse. The talent pool is global when you hire worldwide, providing more opportunities for under-represented groups, levelling out the field of competition and benefitting candidates and your business long-term. 

  1. Only 8% Of Organizations Include Age In Their DEI Strategy

A small proportion of businesses consider age to be part of their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) strategy. This is a huge mistake, as age diversity is incredibly important and beneficial within a business. Age-diverse organizations are able to benefit from a wide range of abilities, skills, information, experience, and approaches. With a broad mix of ages, these varied skills become complementary, thus enhancing the benefits. 

Younger individuals may have fresh perspectives and skills, while older individuals are likely to have a wealth of experience to draw upon. Additionally, everybody has the capacity to continue to learn. 

  1. Bias Against Neurodiverse People Still Exists

Neurodiverse people have a wealth of benefits to bring to any business. Despite this, one in three businesses still say they would be uncomfortable managing someone with Tourette’s Syndrome or ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Businesses continue to restrict their recruitment diversity efforts in this area, preventing talented individuals from putting their skills to work.

Businesses bucking this trend and embracing neurodiverse talent have seen a 30% rise in productivity in some roles. Indeed, studies have actually shown having a neurodiverse team is a distinct competitive advantage. 

  1. Improved Diversity Means Better Customer Service

A third of UK customers will pay a premium for excellent customer service. This trend is echoed worldwide, as consumers seek the best value for their hard-earned money when they choose the brands they support. 

One of the best ways to improve customer service is with a diverse team. The more diverse the team, the more empathetic, understanding, communicative and insightful they will be, leading to better customer experiences, satisfaction, brand loyalty, and profits. 

The findings above highlight the evolving landscape of the modern workforce. By recognizing these trends, your organization can cultivate a more inclusive, diverse and high-performing team. In turn, this should benefit your business and the economy as a whole. 

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