Beauty Must Have Products

Support A Cause with Teespring Shirts

What better way to get attention to a special cause than by showing it to the world? All you have to do is wearing a shirt. Everyone you cross will see that you support a special cause.

About Teespring:

Teespring is a crowdfunding platform for groups, causes and communities to design and sell custom apparel.  Anyone can come and design a shirt which they can then sell via Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else online. The seller keeps all of the profit the shirt earns. People use Teespring as a fundraising tool or just to earn some extra money. The best part is the shirts don’t print and ship until a set end date determined by the seller. This means they pay nothing upfront, take no risk and don’t have to deal with the hassle of ordering the right number of shirts.

Check Out Their Work:

A couple sold this “Love makes a family shirt” to raise money to adopt:

This one included children’s and toddler’s shirts to raise money for an 11-year-old to sing in a children’s choir in Hungary:

This one raised over 85k for Boston relief:

My Thoughts:

Ironically I get asked to do this review in the month that is centered around two important causes in my life. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Pitt Bull Awareness Month as well. There are many ways you can show support for Breast Cancer. However, you don’t hear too much about Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls are known as killing machines when that’s not the case at all! If you do your research you will learn that they are known as “nanny dogs!” Ever since I adopted Sadie Girl(Pit Bull) I had made it my mission to prove to the world that they are not killing machines. In fact there are many charities that are there to help Pit Bulls. What better way to show support for Sadie Girl and other Pit Bulls than with a t-shirt. TeeSpring makes it super easy to do it. You design the shirt, set the price (and you can play around to see what you would make if you sold a shirt at certain price), pick the quality of the shirt, and then describe your cause. Once that’s done than you can share your t-shirt and cause via any social media sites, emails, and/or blog. They pay the site directly  and the shirt is shipped to them. Once it’s over the site will send your profit to you. The best part is you don’t have to pay until it’s all over. Plus the shirts aren’t made until the end. So you don’t have to worry about having too much or to little of a certain size. You will get just what you need. Teespring makes it worry/stress free for you to support a special cause in your life.

Have A Little Fun:

You can play with the designer if you go to What would you design a shirt for? 

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