Successful Moms in Business
Being a woman gives me a unique perspective on the business world…being a mom multiplies that times ten. For many years, and still to this day, women have been and are treated differently in the business and finance world. Of course to busy moms like myself, this seems absolutely ridiculous. Women are better at multitasking as we take on several tasks at once on a daily basis; especially if you are a mom! He may not agree with me, but I swear my husband couldn’t find his own head if it was not attached to his body :).
The site Trading Academy is celebrating moms in finance and business by providing resources and education for busy moms in the world of stocks and trading. Staffed by moms in the business world as well as other trained investors, they provide information and education on investing and stocks with “education for every need and experience level.” They “have a community of over 150,000 investors that have learned to trade with the skill and confidence of professional traders.” Online training is provided as well as on-location courses, but it doesn’t end with the initial courses; continuous education is provided as well!
Just last week my husband and I were talking about doing some investing but we were unsure were to start. I think Trading Academy is the perfect place to start. I can learn all the information I need to invest. So…what are you waiting for? Get connected through one of their physical or virtual learning centers today!