Star Wars Pop Up Books #2019WOMRHoliday
Believe it or not, this popup book created a magical moment where I got to see the three most important boys in my life glued to something that interested all of them equally, yet in different ways. My husband and I have always been hugt Star Wars fans, so naturally there was the draw for my husband. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

Our twelve year old son is also a fan, but more so for the different species of characters in the series rather than the story line and plot. And then there is my three year old son… He LOVED the popup book. He giggled with delight every time we turned a page. You know what the best part was? They actually got to BUILD the popups! I could not remove the permanent smile on my face as I watched all three of them working in tandem to complete the project. And afterwards…they were able to read the story and admire their craftsmanship over and over again! I bet they looked at and read that book over thirty times that first night! Every night since, one of my sons will bring the book to my husband to read and admire the popups. It makes my heart so happy to see them enjoying something they worked so hard on together.

This book is such a draw for many different types of interests. There are, of course, the Star Wars fans; then there are those who enjoy crafts; and do not forget the kids! A fun time will be had by all if you purchase this book. I failed to mention it before, but the kits to build the popups also include stickers! My youngest son loved placing the stickers! I can’t wait for them to get more of these to complete together. We may have just started a new Christmas tradition! Get yours today and have yourself a wonderful experience like my family and I did!