LG TwinWash laundry_Family
Household Must Have Products

Spring Cleaning With LG’s TwinWash System @BestBuy @LGUS #Ad

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I know it’s only February but my mind has already focused on spring cleaning and downsizing. It amazes me how much junk piles up quickly with four kids running around. On top of all the junk there is an inch of dust on everything. I am ready for spring. Ready to have the windows open and fresh air blowing through the. Fingers cross that’s not to far off. In the mean time I will get my house ready. Starting with washing all the blankets, rugs, curtains, and anything else that can be washed.

In order to keep up with my daily laundry and all the extra laundry spring cleaning brings I need something more energy efficient, and something that can help me get this cleaning done faster!!

LG TwinWash laundry_Family

With LG’s TwinWash system you get the best of both worlds. For the small  daily loads that can’t wait I can use the LG SideKick pedestal washer. Than for the spring cleaning laundry I can use it simultaneously with the bigger load up on top of the LG Front load washer.

This washer is a must have for any size of family. It’s great to tackle any size load you may have, plus they are energy efficient while giving you the best cleaning performance.

One appliance at a time my house hold is slowly switching over to LG appliances. We just bought an oven and next we are going to get this washer! Which with any luck will be over the next couple months. Especially since Best Buy is offering up to $500 off a LG laundry solution for your home from 1/11 until 4/25.  With this deal I can save money and get a new washer that will tackle my laundry demands.



7 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning With LG’s TwinWash System @BestBuy @LGUS #Ad

  1. A washer that can tackle ALL sized is definitely welcome in this house. Our blankets don’t fit, and even the small load is too big for some delicates.

  2. Such a lovely family photo right there. A picture of joy, contentment and bond! And by the way, I have tried LG, and it is a great brand!

  3. Laundry is such a huge task. Thankfully, I get my daughters to help sort, I wash, and dad does the folding. I’m thankful that we don’t have to use a hand-held washboard like my grandma used when I was a child.

  4. How awesome is this new twin wash system. I have so often over the years wished I could do laundry faster. With four children I often needed a football jersey and a dancing suit or drama outfit at the same time. This new LG is a dream come true!

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