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#SayYes2Less Pledge by Little Remedies #MC #Sponsored

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Little Remedies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”
little remedies

I grew up really not caring much about what I put in my body. I was not raised by the most health-conscious family and thus, was not aware of all the chemicals and artificial ingredients put into foods and medicines nowadays.  The moment I became a mom I changed my whole thought process. I questioned every little thing: medicines, foods, and drinks all got a second look. I starting checking what type of ingredients were in the different things we put in our bodies and was very shocked with what I found. I started choosing natural stuff over artificial. I thought it would be hard to do that when my little one is sick because it seemed that most of the medicines out there had loads of artificial ingredients. However,  I found Little Remedies and realized there is someone out there who manufactures medicines specifically for children with significantly fewer artificial ingredients in their products verses others. I especially love how they believe “less is more.” That’s why they came up with the “Say Yes To Less” pledge: to try to encourage many other people to use less.

 About the “Say Yes to Less”:

say yes to less pledge

As a mom we want only what’s best for our little ones. Sometimes saying “yes to less” is indeed what is best. I personally realized just how much my kids are watching me and have decided to lead by example. I took the Little Remedies Say Yes To Less Pledge. I am saying less to pop, sugar, and simply just lying around. I am going to get up and move around. It’s about time that I be a lot healthier for me and for my kids.  In today’s society it seems that traditional family time has gone by the wayside.  By taking the pledge to “say yes to less,” you can help instill family values instilled upon you by older generations in your family.  That’s reason enough for me and my family.  So…will you take the pledge?

Just think about it....isn't less better? What will you say less to?

About the Twitter Party:

 #SayYes2Less Twitter PartyWednesday, December 11th from 1:00-2:00PM EST

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