2019 Holiday Gift Guide Food Must Have Products

Rylie Cakes#2019WOMRHoliday

Some of my favorite holiday memories is baking in the kitchen with my family. This year I plan to past this tradition on to my kids by using mixes from Rylie Cakes! The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

Have you been dying to eat fantastic gluten free muffins at home, bake a cake for that special someone, or bring the best ever cupcakes to your kid’s bake sale? Well, now you can! RylieCakes’ Cake Mix is perfect for all of your muffin and cake needs and like all of our blends, it is easy to use and creates scrumptious treats every gosh darn time!

Who doesn’t love light and fluffy pancakes on the weekend? Heck, we’d eat them around here everyday given the chance! Bring this mix home and spoil your family or give it as the perfect hostess gift with a jar of local jam or sweet, sweet maple syrup.

You might be thinking to yourself, “What the heck am I going to use Roux Mix for?”  The truth is: A LOT. RylieCakes’ Roux Mix is not only for creating a luscious roux for all your favorite cheese and cream based sauces, but it is also perfect for thickening gravies and soups, and adding much needed volume and texture to your baked goods.

RylieCakes’ sweet treats are designed to bring people together. By providing fuss-free recipes and easy to buy flour mixes, the whole family can enjoy baking together and most importantly, sharing their gluten free goodness with friends and family.

I have to admit when it comes to baking I am not the greatest at it. However, I do enjoy it. It’s relaxing and I can rest knowing exactly what i am giving to my family is good. Especially with Rylie Cakes. We are trying to live a healthier life and one of the things we are slowly giving up is Gluten. With Rylie Cakes my kids can get their favorite items, without the gluten, and not feeling like they are missing out on something. If you are sure what to bake, they have an awesome recipe book that gives you TONS of ideas! We tried a couple of items out of it and it’s pretty good. If you have a baker in your life than I think this set would be a great gift! They will be surprised with what they can do.

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