Ripley’s Believe it Or Not #2019WOMRHoliday
Ripley’s Believe it or Not are always a favorite in our family. It’s so fun to see all the weird and strange things that make it into the book and we actually find it to be quite educational as well. We were so excited when we got our Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Beyond the Bizarre! Book. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

This is the 16th book in the series and honestly it’s one of my favorites to date. One of the most interesting things to learn was how a man was able to live in a sand castle for 20 years. I mean that is something you’d never imagine. Or how about a cat with 28 toes? This book is so fun that we find our selves reading it over and over again.

If you have little ones that love picture books then two Brand new Books from Ripley’s is just what you need for them. There is Gabby and the Dark, a picture book about a Sea Turtle named Gabby who is just a tiny bit scared of the dark. In this book you can join Gabby as she explores the deep blue and very dark ocean. I love this book because it helps kids to see that they can conquer their fear, and that even though the dark can feel like it’s scary, it really isn’t. Then there is Norman and the Flight which is about a penguin who wants to fly. You can join Norman as he sets out on a mission to do the impossible, and learn how to deal with disappointment along the way.

All of these books are great reads and great gifts for the Holidays that are coming up. These are great addition to any library, and make great gifts for kids, parent and teachers a like. We actually gifted our kids elementary school with several copies of these books when our youngest daughter graduated 5th grade and they love using them in their library. You can’t go wrong with any or all of these books.