Kids Must Have Products

Review: Science on a Nature Walk

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Bryson is all about science. He wants to know how things work and why. So when I was given the chance to review Science on a Nature Walk by Educational Toys Planet. I knew that he would love it.

nature walk

About Science on a Nature Walk:

Science on Nature Walk Field Explorer Kit brings field science at its best! Explore the living world, learn science, experiment in the field, get closer to nature with this award-winning natural science kit for kids. With this innovative science toy by Young Scientists Club you can find animal tracks and fossilize them, search for natural treasures on a scavenger hunt, make your own compass and a bug house, learn to do leaf chromatography and more! The Science on Nature Walk Field Explorer Kit comes with cool nature exploration tool that young scientists need including binoculars, butterfly net, magnifying glass, whistle, chromatography paper, data entry book, plaster, tracking guide, and waist belt pouch to carry some of these items.

nature walk

My Thoughts:

I couldn’t wait for the chance to take the kids on a nature walk. Because of weather (rain) we had to wait a couple of days. But in do time I got to take them.  This probably wouldn’t surprise you much seeing how he is a boy, but Bryson’s favorite thing was making a bug house and creating a habitat for the little bugs he found on our walk. Zoey (my artist) loved performing the leaf chromatography. She thought it was so neat that the colors were “magically” appearing up the paper. Carly Jo (my two-year old) even got a kick out of the kit. She loved using the magnifying glass. She kept saying “Ohhhh, BIG!!” It was fun watching them enjoy nature (instead of watching t.v) and seeing them learn as well!

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