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Review: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey DVD

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I am so excited to bring you some good news! If your kids like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as much as mine than they will love this!! On May 21st Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Quest For Crystal Mickey came out on DVD!!  

About Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey –

“Join Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and all their pals in the newest Clubhouse crusade. When the legendary Crystal Mickey goes missing, Mickey and friends go on an adventure to save the Clubhouse from losing its magic. Grab your hat, buckle your seatbelt, and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Quest for the Crystal Mickey!” There’s no time to lose after greedy Plunderin’ Pete snatches the legendary Crystal Mickey statue from the Clubhouse. Without this sparkly statue’s magic, the Clubhouse will disappear forever! Can the world’s most extraordinary hero “Kansas City Mickey,” get the magical statue back in time? Only with help from young viewers at home…and the right Mouseketools can Mickey journey across the Sandy Desert, brave the Rushing River and make his way through the Hidden Jungle. But watch out for Pete’s trickiest traps!!”

1 – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey  
2 – Donald of the Desert 
3 – Donald the Genie 
4 – Goofy’s Coconutty Monkey 
5 – Goofy’s Giant Adventure
My Thoughts: 
In my opinion you can’t go wrong with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I personally love this show because it’s very educational and fun for the children. My favorite part is that it’s interactive!! I love hearing them respond to the T.V. It means they are listening and paying attention to the show. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey is the perfect adventure for any six, four, and almost two-year old!! What kid doesn’t love going on an adventure. I asked my son what his  favorite part of the movie was and he answered: when they get the crystal mickey back and when jeep turns into a boat. He loved this movie so much when I tried vacuuming the house while they were watching the movie in my daughter’s room he tried blocking the door so I wouldn’t come in there and vacuum. If you are like me and want your kids to only watch educational movies but want it to be enjoyable for them than this movie is a must have!!

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One thought on “Review: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey DVD

  1. My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 🙂 I’m happy there are shows like this to help tech our children.

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