Household Must Have Products

Review: Honest 4 in 1 Laundry Pods

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

laundry pods

I think who every came up with the pods idea was very smart. They make doing laundry a lot easier.

About Honest 4 in 1 Laundry Pods:

  • Pure 4-in-1 performance: cleaning + stain fighting + brightening + softening
  • Innovative blend of plant & mineral-based ingredients carefully developed to achieve a superior cleaning experience
  • All washers (HE and standard) + all temperatures (cold or hot) + all colors + all fabrics
  • Convenient, pre-measured pods means no over-pouring & saves you money
  • Suitable for ALL family laundry — natural & synthetic washables, including wools, cloth diapers, silks, and other fine washables
  • Perfect for babies & sensitive skin — NO harsh chemical residues, chlorine, fragrances, or worries!
  • Hypoallergenic / Biodegradable / Non-Toxic / Effective in All Temperatures / Septic Safe

laundry pods

My Thoughts:

The best part about the laundry pods are they are super easy to use. You just grab one and throw it in. You don’t have to worry about a mess, using too little, or even using too much. I have personally probably used too much a couple of times. The Honest 4 in 1 laundry pods provide the convince I like but also works great! It cleans, fight stains, brightens and soften the clothes all at once! It also works great all laundry types such as natural and synthetic washable, wool, cloth diapers, silks, and other fine clothes. Overall I am very pleased with these pods. They work great, easy to use, and affordable!

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