Review: Boba Baby Carrier
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.
When my girls were little I carried them in a Boba Baby Carrier almost everywhere I went. With multiple children, baby wearing worked well for me because I always needed a free hand to round up my son!
My girls are a bit too big to be carried, but they still eye the Boba Baby Carrier from time to time. Carly has asked to play with it so many times I can’t count them all. Naturally she wants to carry her babies around and pretend she is just like me, baby wearing!
Boba has something that was perfect for my girls! The Boba Mini, which is perfect for little ones that want to be just like Mommy and wear their toys like babies!
Let me tell you a little more about this cool product for growing kids!
When your youngster is old enough to play parent, the exclusive Boba Mini can help you share the fun and love of babywearing everywhere you go. This pint-sized version of the full-grown Boba 4G Carrier lets kids to tote their own baby dolls, toys or stuffed animals around just like Mom and Dad do. It’s machine washable (thank goodness) and has adjustable straps to create a comfortable fit for your little ones with such big hearts.
I loved that this product is affordable (under $30!) and it is adjustable and machine washable! We got the Boba Mini in an adorable Kangaroo print (just like our Boba!) and both of my girls went gaga over the mini! Every day they take turns playing Mommy and toting their babies around.
I have to admit this is one of the cutest products that I have ever seen! It makes playing Mommy (or Daddy) super fun, and my girls feel really “cool” when they have the Boba Mini on. If you have a little one that has outgrown their Boba, it is time to take baby wearing to the next step of imaginative play!