A Little of Everything

#RecycleYourPeriodPad Into a Sleeping Mask!

Thank you to Poise for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try recycling my unused period pads!

Did you know that LBL {light bladder leakage} impacts one out of 3 women? It is a subject we often don’t talk about, because it is embarrassing, but ladies, it happens to the best of us and it can happen for any number of reasons from weight to infections to having kids.

If you happen to be one of the women that does suffer from LBL, I am telling you- stop! You don’t have to rely on pads meant for your period to stay dry. There is a better product out there that will keep you dry and with your head held high!

#RecycleYourPeriodPad Into a Sleeping Mask!

Let me tell you a little more about Poise Thin Shape Pads and how they can help you with your light bladder leakage.

Women deserve the best options for managing LBL so Poise brand has introduced new Poise Thin-Shape pads, which are up to 40% thinner than original Poise brand pads and are made specifically for bladder leaks with the trusted absorbency of Poise brand.

Designed to move with your body, new Poise Thin-Shape pads feature Super Absorbent Material (SAM) and a Thin-Flex design for extraordinary protection that’s still 3x drier than period pads to help you take care of leaks with confidence.

Instead of relying on a pad meant for your period, Poise is there for your LBL with a perfect fit product for you. So what are you going to do with all of those pads? Why not turn them into something useful? Grab your FREE Poise Pads for LBL today and stop relying on a period pad!

Here is an idea of how you can recycle period pads! Turn them into a diy sleeping mask. This is great in the summer because if you sweat…. the mask absorbs it and you can toss it out, no worries!



You will need an unused pad

A length of yarn to fit around the back of your head

Hole Punch

This craft is such an easy way to recycle your period pad!

First, punch holes in the fabric edge of the pad

Then measure your head  for the yarn

Attach it to the pad

And boom! There you have a easy craft to make and recycle those pads you won’t need after you try Poise for your LBL.







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