A Little of Everything

Radio Flyer Red Wagon

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

Having a family means every trip we take, from the ball field to see the relatives requires a whole lot of gear! Let me tell you that with multiple children each with items needed throughout the day and the inevitable need for a child to be carried, it can exhaust a parent to ever leave the house!
Radio Flyer Red Wagon
Lucky for us we have a Radio Flyer Red Wagon to help transport the kids and the gear anywhere we need to go. We take it along for family walks, trips to the park and around the house! 
We love our little red wagon for a number of reasons. It assembled easily, it is super easy to pull, even loaded down with kids and toys! It is easy to transport in the back of the van or truck meaning we are able to get up and go, go, go anywhere we want to!
Radio Flyer Red Wagon
I have fond memories of my own parents pulling me around in a Radio Flyer wagon as a small child, so being able to continue that tradition with my own children has made me very happy. I would highly recommend this product to any family. It retails for about $140 and can be found at Target. It makes a great gift idea for holidays, birthdays or a way to say I love you to kids and I love you and want to save your back from aches and pains to parents at any time of the year.
Did you use a Radio Flyer wagon as a child or with your children? I would love to hear about it in a comment!

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