Must Have Products Toys

PlasmaBike: A Balance Bike for Your Little One

Learning how to ride a bike can be a scary experience for a little on. It’s a hard job keeping the bike up and balanced for a little body. Plasmart has came up with a perfect solution it’s called a PlasmaBike. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

Carley exploring the bike!

What is a PlasmaBike you ask? A PlasmaBike is a balance bike. It has no batteries, gears or pedals. When the children are riding the bike it encourages balance, coordination and motor skill development. It does all this with out the kids knowing because all they know is that they are having fun! My daughter is fixing to turn one in just a couple weeks. (scary I know). She is already enjoying the bike. She loves it. I love that I don’t have to worry about the bike falling over on her since she is so little. However, my older two who are three and five also enjoy the bike. They are constantly fight over the bike. It’s fun seeing them rolling all over the house on the bike. The bike weighs less than eight pounds, so it’s very easy to carry from inside to outside.I like that it’s easy for us to take when we go visit their Nana.

Carley discovering the horn!

In conclusion this bike is great for the newbies that are just learning how to ride. It’s also great for the little more experience bike readers that just need a little more help in balancing.  It’s small and light weighted so it’s easy to carry along when visiting family members. Do you know of a little one who needs a little more help with balancing? If so, the PlasmaBike is for you!

Carley figured out she can move the bike!

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14 thoughts on “PlasmaBike: A Balance Bike for Your Little One

  1. Pingback: Spotlight on Reviews
  2. She will love that bike in a few months!! We’ve had a balance bike for both of our boys – and they both love them 😀

  3. Wow, what a great idea! I’m always so nervous when my little ones want to try riding a bike but I wouldn’t be scared on one of these! And Carley is adorable!

  4. that is AWESOME!! My kids have not been the most coordinated with pedaling while trying to learn how to ride their bikes…..this would be perfect for when the twins get a little bigger!

  5. Oh my goodness! How cute! That’s great that she is that little and can ride it! I will have to keep that in mind for #3! 🙂

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