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pediped® Gives $13,000 to Schools as Part of pediped® ♥ schools Initiative

back to school

I have always believed it’s important to give back to our schools. When it comes to giving back to schools  pediped® and I are on the same page. They announce that they will give $13,000 back to over 200 schools enrolled into the pediped® ♥ schools program. Each school will receive a check for a 10% rebate on their total attributed purchases of pediped® footwear from May 15, 2015 to June 15, 2014. The top five performing schools will receive $1,000 as an additional bonus.

About pediped® ♥ schools:

It is a one-of-a-kind giving campaign where participating education partners receive a check for 10% of their total combined purchases of pediped® each year. Individual schools can earn up to $10,000 per year.

How it works?

Upon enrollment, each school receives a unique code and those who purchase pediped® footwear should enter the code at checkout when shopping online at or in any pediped owned boutique located in Las Vegas. pediped® tracks the purchases registered to each school’s code to determine the amount of dollars earned. Purchases will be tracked now until May 15, 2015 and schools will receive checks for 10% back in June 2015.

How is your school doing?

Schools enrolled into the program are encouraged to visit to track their earnings and print promotional aids to pass out to parents and caregivers to help spread the word of the program. pediped® will also provide electronic newsletters that can be shared through the school’s online community as well.

Please visit to enroll your school today!!! (I will, will you??)


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