
Paper Plate Pizza Craft

What kid can resist pizza?! My kids would likely eat nothing but pizza if they had any say in the matter. The last time we had pizza night, I decided to invite my youngest to create a pizza of her own. This was one craft she could not resist!

I will be honest, this craft was time consuming, not in the creation of the pizza itself, but much like making an edible pizza, the preparations for this craft session took the most time.
To create a paper plate pizza you will need:
A paper {or Styrofoam plate}
assorted colors of construction paper
a glue stick
First cut up your toppings, this took the most time for me.

I cut:
Smaller strips of yellow paper for the cheese
Red paper cut into rough circles for pepperoni
Small black circular shapes for olives
green strips for green bell peppers
white shapes for mushrooms
A large red circle for the sauce
I had my daughter begin by applying the glue stick to the plate for the crust.
Then we placed the sauce on the plate.

Next I had her apply glue to the sauce.

She knew what to do from there! She added cheese. We talked about how much cheese she likes on her pizza, as well as what kinds of cheese she likes.

I may not be a pro at cutting mushrooms, but she caught on!

My green pepper rings might be a little more impressive than the mushrooms!

This is our finished paper plate pizza! My daughter was very proud of her craft! She was also delighted to see I had prepared enough toppings that she could do this activity again another day! If you keep your toppings separate during the process of crafting, it is easy to save them for future use in the event of leftovers. This is a good way to teach little kids about saving leftovers to consume later, in the event that you have a child at home that tends to waste a lot of food.

3 thoughts on “Paper Plate Pizza Craft

  1. Pingback: Over 30 Easy Paper Plate Crafts for Kids

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