Pacha’s Pajamas: A Story Written By Nature
Disclosure: This is sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
My children love to listen to music. They love to sing along and they are known to dance like it is no ones business. I try to encourage their love for music by offering them a variety of genres to listen to, filled with oldies, new songs and things that have a fun vibe to them.
While I want them to enjoy music in all forms, I also want them to listen to music that has a good message. When I heard about Pacha’s Pajamas I knew this was something I really wanted my kids to check out. Let me tell you a little more about Pacha’s Pajamas.
Children today face obstacles and challenges unlike any past generations have seen before – and often more difficult. The pressure on them to make the world a better place is high, so providing them with positive role models to emanate, constructive lessons to learn from and valuable tools to utilize is more important than ever. But so is having fun and valuing the joy of music and the power of the imagination. Luckily,Pacha’s Pajamas is here!
The two-CD set Pacha’s Pajamas: A Story Written by Nature Vol. 1 & 2, available November 5, 2013 for a suggested retail price of $19.99, digital download $15.99, and individual songs on iTunes for $1.29, is inspired by the book by Aaron Ableman and produced by a company called BALANCE. It follows the adventures of Pacha, a little girl whose magical pajamas whisk her away every night to imaginary worlds where she discovers the power to make a difference in the world and within herself.
One night while sleeping Pacha dreams that the animals and plants on her new pajamas come alive. Disguised as a small gorilla, she comes upon an unlikely group of creatures feeling sad about the world. Nature unites to tell its captivating story at a global festival where species have come together to bring balance to the planet. Fun-filled acts include an insect band called The Beetles, a black-eyed pea rapping for a better world and a beaver named Just-in-Time. At the end of the show, Pacha shares an important message for all nature and humanity.
Filled with pop references and lots of humor (“electric eels went on strike”), storytelling, songs and dance, Pacha’s Pajamas features 28 tracks by 70 artists spanning four generations, and inspires children of all ages to better understand themselves, recognize their natural talents and make a positive impact in the world.
“Pacha’s Pajamas utilizes the core languages of popular culture – storytelling, music and dance – to support the healthy development of today’s kids,” says Ableman. “The story and songs are not only magical and fun, but also address important topics like staying healthy, ecological sustainability and the power of imagination and dreams.”
My thoughts:
My kids were a little skeptical of this cd at first. My son said “I have never heard of this Pacha…” when I showed him the cd. After I pressed play the girls were hooked. My youngest was ready to dance, and her sister was game too. My son quickly warmed up to the cd. He recognized some of the voices on the cd (Bently Green and Mos Def) and he thought the songs were “pretty good.”
Since that first time listening my kids have grown to love the Pacha’s Pajamas cds. They request them at least once a week. If you are looking for upbeat music that has a good message about the world for kids you will want to check Pacha’s Pajamas out.