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Organization Hacks Book

Are you someone who is always looking for ways to organize your house better I know I am. Living in a small house with six people I am always looking for ways to better organize so we have more room for the things in our house. This post is a sponsored post, but all opinions, stories, and my experience are all personal and true (like always)!

Organization Hacks Book

That is why I absolutely love Organization Hacks: Over 350 Simple Solutions to Organize Your Home in No Time! By Carrie Higgins. This book provides you with ways to organize your space that you probably never thought of.

One of my favorite suggestions is using a binder clip on your bedside table to hold your phone charger so it doesn’t fall. I love this and use it now on both sides of my bed and it works great. Carrie gives great tips for staying organized in your home which helps me to stay organized in my life also. This book is great and so helpful that I have given several copies to friends and family members who also have hectic homes and hectic schedules. The suggestions she makes really do help and they are all so easy to follow.

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