A Little of Everything

Nourish Your Baby’s Noggin with the Help of Iron & Gerber Cereals

You guys! Baby Lee is a supported sitter! This is an exciting time in our lives, as he is on the fast track to all things little movers, shakers and for now, supported sitters! It is as important as ever to make sure he is getting everything he needs for healthy growth and development. I know this starts with a balanced diet. Gerber Cereals are the beginning of a balanced diet for my little-supported sitter!
Gerber Cereals
Gerber cereals are a favorite option as you mix it yourself. This way you can use your baby’s own breast milk or formula – a taste they are already familiar with – to help make this transition. It’s like a flavor bridge into solid foods.I love that I can mix his cereal to the perfect consistency and texture. I can add a little more breast milk to the cereal to thin it out or I can make it thicker for spoon feeding firsts.
Gerber Cereals
Gerber cereals make a great first food, single grains. With added iron to support learning and prevent iron deficiency. Gerber offers parents a custom texture to make baby’s first food experience a good one. Target has a great selection of Gerber products for all of your little one’s firsts!
Gerber cereal offers so many benefits for baby, let me share these with you to help you make an informed decision about what to feed your little-supported sitter!
• Have iron to help support learning abilities
• 2 servings of Gerber Cereal a day has 90% of a baby’s daily value of Iron.
• Are made with calcium to help build healthy bones and teeth
• Delivers a nutritional blend of Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and six B Vitamins thanks to Gerber’s VitaBlocks for healthy growth.
• Non-GMO: not made with genetically engineered ingredients.
• No artificial colors or flavors
• Packaging made with the use of BPA”
No matter which variety you pick for your little ones first single grain cereal, Gerber has your nutritional needs covered. Right now, you can get a 10% off Gerber Cereal coupon through Target’s Cartwheel App.

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