A Little of Everything

It’s Model Rocket Season

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

I live in the middle of Kansas and if you know anything about Kansas you know the weather is usually wonky and hot. However, we were pretty lucky this 4th of July weekend. We had a beautiful weather. It wasn’t to hot or to cold. Here and there we had some brief sprinkles, but not enough to even send us inside. So what does my family do the whole day! We spent it outside. We had the typical 4th of July activities…fireworks, cookout, water play, but we added an extra twist to it. We added Model Rockets!

About These Rockets:

 It’s Model Rocket Season

The Mini Blaster air rockets are assembled and just waiting to be launched. Hours of enjoyment for kids of all ages! Simply attach the foam launch legs to the foam launch base and you are ready to blast off!

 It’s Model Rocket Season

Powered by AIR and hours of fun! No batteries are needed for the Sonic Booom which means it’s always ready to go. The Sonic Booom Air Rocket comes fully assembled and the launch base will take just a few minutes to set up! Standing almost a foot tall, pumped up and ready to go, the Sonic Booom can climb to 150 feet! The rocket’s foam nose cone creates a “bounce” for quick and easy recovery and it’s ready to launch again!

 It’s Model Rocket Season

The Air Rocket like just keeps growing and the Whirlwind is just another great addition! No assembly is required as this little gem comes right out of the box ready to go! Designed to work with the 1900 T-Bolt or 1923 Sonic Booom Air Rocket Launch Set, the Whirlwind does just what its name says, it “whirls”.

My Thoughts:

Ya these rockets are like toys and you would think they are for just kids, but don’t believe that. These rockets are fun for the whole family! They are very easy to set up and use. We spent hours outside playing with these rockets and seeing how high they would go. In fact it turned into a game to “Who’s rocket would go faster?” My son thinks he won, but I have to say it was me. 🙂


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