Minute For Mom: 10/14
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you had a somewhat productive week. Well that was my week for me. I felt like I got some of my to do list done, but not even close to all. I have three little ones and well if one gets sick is just the matter of time when the others get sick. This past week started of with my youngest getting sick and ended with my oldest get sick. If I have to wash more bedding I just might scream! At least it’s gone…for now!
- Put away summer clothes and bring out winter. (It’s now in the 70/60′s so no more shorts! )
Clean the fish tank out.- List stuff on Ebay. (I didn’t do this last week.)
- Organize the shed aka label boxes. (This is because I need to get the fall decorations out.)
Carve two more pumpkins. (I am going to attempt to do Sponge Bob & Cinderella. )Check Facebook for pictures!- Clean/Organize my office corner. (I am just not happy with it..not sure what I am going to do.)
- Organize the kids toys and donate the ones they don’t play with anymore. (I do this every winter, just before birthdays and Christmas. So toys don’t just pile on. Do you do something similar?)
- Finally I plan on making a list of chores to do clean my house really good.
Okay, so I got two off the list. I could do better. I plan to still tackle this list. Hey maybe I will get three done this week!! I for sure need to do number one. It’s getting cold her. Need to bring out the winter stuff. What’s on your to do list this week?