Beauty Must Have Products

me4kid: Nail Buddy

 This is a sponsored post. As with all the products I blog about, I use them personally and opinions are my own, I was not influenced in any way by the compensation I received.

nail buddy
Zoey O is a true girl. There is no tom boy in her. She’s all about having her hair fixed, wearing dresses, and getting her nail’s painted. Lately I haven’t been able to get my nail stuff out with out her being right there wanting me to put some on her. That’s why when I was giving a chance to review Nail Buddy by Me4Kidz I knew Zoey O would love it! 
nail buddy

About Me4Kidz Nail Buddy:

  • 2 kid-friendly nail files
  • 2 bottles of water-based, non-toxic nail polish
  • 1 bright-colored nail brush
  • 1 nail buffer
  • 2 sheets of nail appliques-self stick
  • Reusable & Recycled carry anywhere case

nail buddy

My Thoughts:

If I would have thought about it I would have recorded Zoey O reaction when I gave her the nail buddy kit. She just squealed and kept saying “It’s Mine?” I explained to her that she was growing up and was a big girl now that she can have her own nail kit like mommy’s. She loved everything about it. From the case to what was inside of it. The case was her favorite color; purple of course! (They do have pink too!) Everything about it was very girly from the design of the nail files and buffers to the case. Which fit her too a T. She had a blast picking the appliques to put on. A weekend doesn’t go by that she asks me to paint her nails with HER nail kit. The case makes it perfect for her to take to her Nana’s when she goes visit for the Holidays. Which she has already informed me she is doing.

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