Parenting Tips/Advice

Making Time For Intimacy

Making Time For Intimacy

Making Time For Intimacy

Women and mothers today are required to wear many different hats. You have to be a nurse, a maid, chauffeur, accountant, personal shopper, all while somehow retaining your sanity. Throw in a full-time job and it’s a wonder you still have time to shower, let alone do anything for yourself.

Throughout your day, you’re forced to focus your attention on whoever or whatever needs you the most at any moment. Unfortunately, since your partner doesn’t need you as much as your kids, and they’re not as demanding as your boss, intimacy can fall by the wayside. Taking time to reconnect, especially when things get hectic, is crucial to a happy relationship, and just by doing a few things differently, you can make your relationship stronger than ever.

Make Small Changes

There are quick and easy changes you can make to your everyday actions that can have a big impact on your partner. Simply making eye contact with your partner while saying I love you can bring the two of you closer. Psychology Today states that, “Our eyes also are formidable communicators of feelings including comfort and discomfort.” Making eye contact while saying such a significant phrase makes it more heartfelt and honest, and it will subtly remind your partner just how much you mean it.

Work Through Things Together

Sometimes relieving stress can be as easy as asking for help. When you’re both busy, you might feel guilty asking your partner to take on more, whether it’s chores, watching the kids, or just being there for you emotionally. Many people forget that your partner is just that—a partner in life, someone to be there with things get rough, and help relieve some of the burdens you may have. If you would do the same for them, asking for a little a help now and then is okay, and you’ll probably find that they are eager to do so.

The Huffington Post suggests that at the very least, you should feel comfortable having an open dialogue about things that are making you stressed. Keeping things bottled up can cause you to feel unwarranted resentment towards your significant other. And when things get rough, the last thing you want to do is pull away from one another.

Spice It Up

If sex hasn’t been high on your priority list lately, try to make it a little more special the next time you’re with your partner. Even cliche things like lighting a few candles or buying some new lingerie can make all the difference in putting the spark back in your bedroom. You can even experiment with toys to help you reach orgasm quicker, putting less pressure on your partner to get you there. If your partner is apprehensive to bringing new things into the bedroom, Adam and Eve notes that a discrete vibrator is a great way to ease into them. A small finger vibrator is perfect for a quickie, and is sure to provide powerful sensations for you, while not being obtrusive during intimacy.

Don’t let intimacy take a backseat in your relationship. Let your partner know how much you care, and take the time to reconnect. Over time you’ll find that with a stronger relationship, you’re able to take on more with ease. Whether your deadline got pushed up, your toddler flushed your keys down the toilet, or the dog got in the trash again, as long as you have one another, you’ll be able to handle whatever life throws at you.

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