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I love to journal and have always wanted to make a special journal for each of my kids to keep and treasure about their lives and how we felt during their milestones. Lifetales has made this something that is now extremely easy to do. This post is a sponsored post, but all opinions, stories, and my experience are all personal and true (like always)!

You simply make a video either as short or as long as you’d like then when you’re done you can add pictures to that day’s recording as well as adding text and you now have a journal entry that your kids can enjoy when they are older. Plus you can set a reminder on your phone and it will remind you to record your journal entry when you choose. You can set if for weekly or daily, whatever you prefer. I actually have it so I make 4 different of these for the kids, so when they reach certain milestones or make certain accomplishments we can make a special journal entry just for them.

How about when your little one does that one thing that is really cute and you want to keep the memory forever, this is a good way to do that. My Mom has actually started doing one of these as well that can be passed on to the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren when she is no longer with us. How neat will it be to remember and be able to see and hear her when she is no longer on earth. I really think this is an amazing thing that everyone should use whether you are a parent or not. Imagine being able to record your feelings and adventures and show them to your kids.

I love using this and I have mine set to remind me to record once a week, but I love that I can record as much or as little as I want to depending on what is going on. If you are looking for something fun and special for your kids future then I would suggest you check out lifetales, you can make them a journal about their life with your added thoughts and feelings for them to see in the future. It really is a neat and fun idea and I’m glad we are using it for our kids.

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