A Little of Everything

Learn and Grow with Little Tikes #LittleTikesBaby

One thing that never gets old to me is watching my kids grow and learn new things. I can do it all day and love to brag about it too. What parent doesn’t?!

Newborns grow and learn at such a rapid pace, it seems as if they’re developing and hitting major milestones weekly! Baby Lee is only 7 weeks old and I have felt like he has already grown so much in those few weeks.  It’s awesome to see him conquer all the different milestones with the help of Little Tikes!

Did you know that Little Tikes just came into the baby-toy market? Just anothe reason to love them!  Their new line of newborn toys designed to specifically target developmental needs, while also soothing, stimulating, and strengthening baby!

The Hide ‘n Seek Hermie:

  • Baby toy Hermie has a hard shell and soft body
  • Toy is a teether and rattle
  • Contrasting colors for visual stimulation
  • Convenient link to attach to baby gym, car seat and stroller for take along fun!


Soothe ‘N Spin Octopus:

  • Soft velour body
  • Wind-up to activate rhythmic spinning motion to calm baby
  • Includes two teether rings and dangling fish
  • Convenient link to attach to car seat, stroller, or baby gym
  • Clean with cold, damp cloth and mild soap. Do not immerse in water

Shake ‘n Rattle Crabbie Ring:

• Engaging crabbie rattle with colorful beads that travel from claws to ring
• Three ways to play:
1. Clack crabbie’s claws together
2. Shake beads around for rattling sound
3. Bead maze for advanced play
• Chunky ring for little fingers to grasp
• Visually stimulating colors


I took them with us on Baby Lee’s first road trip to visit the family. It was a 3.5 hour drive. This way when he wasn’t sleeping he  would be occupied and entertained! I love that these toys are not only helping him hit his developmental milestones, but it is entertaining and fun for him!

You can ensure your little ones are meeting their developmental milestones, too! Head over to Target to find these and other great Little Tikes Baby products!

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