Holiday Gift Guide 2016

LeapFrog Count Along Cash Register

Although I received this product free in exchange for my honest review, all opinions stated here are completely my own.
LeapFrog Count Along Cash Register
Every time we go to the grocery store, my youngest daughter has her eyes on the cash register as we check out. The buttons, the scanners, the chance to handle money…. it is all extremely intriguing to her!
This year for Christmas she is going to get a toy from LeapFrog that will appeal to her interest in running a cash register while offering her countless opportunities for fun and dramatic play!
The LeapFrog Count Along Cash Register includes 20 items that can be checked out, and it talks and sings to engage kids completely! The cash register can say over 50 fun phrases and it encourages kids to count, to role play and to develop an understanding of money.
Retailing for about $30, the Count Along Cash Register is a great option for holiday gifting. It is affordable, educational and engaging, making it a gift idea that the kids will play with over and over again!
I know my daughter is going to love her Cash Register from Leapfrog and I can’t wait to see her face when she finally gets her hands on a cash register of her very own!

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