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Last Mouse Lost Review

Do you know the number one thing I hate about winter?! Snow Days! Don’t get me wrong I love having my kids home, but snow days are rough! The kids are cooped up in a house all day long. With my kids that’s not a good thing. They have lots of energy and get bored easily! Just last week it snowed and I broke out the game that I have been saving just for this moment…”Last Mouse Lost!”

About Last Mouse Lost Game:

The mice have just finished feasting and need to scurry into their holes. Don’t be the last mouse standing or you might get caught by the cat! Players take turns pressing down any number of mice they wish in a single row. The player who presses down the last mouse loses the round. Whoever wins three of five rounds wins the game!

Last Mouse Lost Review

My Thoughts:

What a fun game! It is very simple but there are strategies to be learned that can help you win. I love that it’s easy enough and fun that all three of my kids can play it and not get board. It’s perfect for anyone from preschoolers to adults. Just last week my daughter was picking out a new toy (she got a gift card) and she was pointing at different toys and saying “Can’t get has too many parts and they will get lost!” She thinks just like me!  The best part about this game is there is only one part and that’s a small round silicone game board. Nothing to get lost, nothing to clean up, nothing to make a mess with. Overall it’s a  great game for the whole family.

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