Lakota Herbs Natural Medicine
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Over the past few months I have taken a good long look at myself and daily habits. I realized just how unnatural and unhealthy my life was. I decided if I wanted to be the best mom I could be that I needed to change a lot of my habits and routines. One of which is to take more natural pain medications, but first I discussed my plans on changing habits with my doctor and she agreed trying these all natural medicines for Lakota was good for me.
About Lakota:
Rooted in traditional medicine and made with natural ingredients. It works to relieve your joint, muscle, back, or arthritis pain. Lakota is a great alternative to conventional drugs. Lakota is a blend of herbal medicine: white willow bark, yucca root and devil’s claw, boswellia and others; combined with modern, natural ingredients such as glucosamine and collagen type II. Lakota was founded in 2000 by two farmers from British Columbia. By 2005 Lakota was the top-selling topical pain reliever in Canada.
My Thoughts:
I was given several different natural pain medications for humans PLUS a couple for Sadie Girl. Sadie Girl is a Pit Bull and they have a tendency of having joint problems as they get older. So I was more than willing to try the canine joint medicines on her. She seems to be moving around better, so that’s a huge plus! Lee is a Physical Education and Football coach so he needs to be on his toes, but from past injuries (during his playing football career) he has back problems. He has tried Lakota’s back medicines and he said he noticed a difference. When it comes to the end of the day and it’s football practice time he mentioned to me that his back isn’t hurting as much. For me, I took the night-time pain relief. We have one of those ergonomic beds that helps Lee(and his bad back) sleep better, but most nights it makes mine hurt. I don’t like to be that high up. However, with these night-time pain relief I can sleep better. So in the end we both get a good night sleep. If you are looking for a natural pain medication you can purchase from Lakota Herbs HERE.Each person uses such natural medicine at your own risk. It is up to the user of said products to seek professional advice. I am not giving any professional advice.
I am so tired of hurting. I have fibromyaga. How can Lakota Herbs help me. I have a 54 year old son l take care of at home. I’m on SSI. Can you help me. I’m 71 years old but I know I could feel better as where I could do more. I’m 1/4 Cherokee Indian.