Parenting Tips/Advice

What does the JPMA Certification Seal Mean? #BSZParent #AD #IC.

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Influence Central for the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”Print

As a new parent, where did you turn for advice? Did you seek out professional help or did you look to family members? With my first child I was like a sponge seeking any and all information from anyone who wanted to share with. I quickly learned that everyone thinks the know it all and their way is the right way. Which sometimes it is, but more often than not it’s not. What I started doing is finding an expert for what I needed help. Sometimes it was a family member, but sometimes it was a professional. One example seat safety. I had two cousins that were in a real bad wreck when they were little. One lost his life and the other faces a lot of medical issues that she will deal with her whole life. I learned quickly that car seat safety isn’t something you mess with!

There are TONS of car seats out there and purchasing one can be stressful. Because safety is always a priority when purchasing new baby products. You want what’s best for your little one. What parent doesn’t?! Some things to look for is the manufacturer date. The newer the better! You can buy used but I recommend not unless you know the person very well and trust them. Once the car seat has been in a wreck it’s no longer safe!! So you need to make sure it hasn’t been in a wreck and hasn’t expired. (FYI: Car Seat life spans are different the best way to check for when it expires is under the manufacturer date.) But the main and most important  thing is to check for a JPMA certification seal.

What does the JPMA Certification Seal Mean?


With the JPMA seal you can be sure that the car seat has been tested and meets all standards. After checking for these things you can know you have a great car seat. If you are unsure about the insulation part I would recommend talking to your Health Department and/or Highway Patrol. They would be more than willing to check your car seat out and make sure it’s secured and installed correctly! I have done it with all three of my kids!

What do you look for when purchasing  car seats?

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