Itzbeen Pocket Nanny
I have three kids and by the time the third one came along I felt like I was super mom. However, keeping track of what time I changed or feed my little one wasn’t easy. I was easy side tracked with my other two. The pocket nanny was a must have for me!
The Itzbeen Pocket Nanny is a multi-purpose baby care timer. There a four timers. The timers help parents keep track of how long ago they changed a diaper, fed the baby, put them down for a nap, or gave them medication. Each timer can also give a reminder at certain intervals. For example, when my son was younger we had to make sure he ate every two hours regardless if he was sleeping. It also has a belt clip, nursing reminder switch, illuminated display, clock, and a soft nightlight for changing diapers in the dark.
Right on the package it says “I mind the minutes so new parents can enjoy the moments!” I didn’t realize how true that was until I gave the pocket nanny a try. It made my life a lot easier and a lot less stress! I didn’t have to keep my eye on the clock. I had time to really enjoy playing with my kids. I could just relax and soak it in. The pocket nanny kept track of everything and made taking care of a newborn a piece of cake!
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Purchase Pocket Nanny
$24.99 Online
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