Is Beef Liver Safe For Dogs To Eat?
If you’re looking for natural and healthy foods to give your dog, you’ve probably come across recommendations to feed your dog organ meat. This is because while it makes some humans squeamish, organ meat offers a lot of nutritional value, especially for dogs.
With that information, people often wonder if the beef liver is safe for dogs to eat.
The short answer? Yes, beef liver is completely safe for your dog to eat.
On top of that, beef liver even has a lot of great nutrients that can greatly benefit your dog’s health. But when feeding your dog beef liver, you have to make sure to take the proper precautions by cooking the meat properly and feeding them the right amount.
So, perhaps when thinking about gifts for dog owners you can give them snacks full on beef liver without any problem.
In this article, we take a look at everything you need to know about feeding your dog beef liver and how to do it safely and effectively.

What Benefits Does Beef Liver Have for Dogs?
So, now that you know that beef liver is safe for dogs to eat, you probably want to learn more about the different benefits it has to offer. Well, beef liver offers a whole lot of benefits and nutrients to dogs. In fact, many experts fall short of calling beef liver a dog superfood because of all its benefits.
Here’s a brief rundown of the different nutrients that beef liver has that are good for your dog.
Firstly, beef liver is absolutely packed with iron. Iron is crucial for your dog’s blood cells to function properly. Iron helps deliver oxygen properly and efficiently to your dog’s bloodstream, keeping them healthy. Iron has also been shown to improve a dog’s strength, endurance, and even intelligence.
A & B Vitamins
Just like humans, dogs need a specific set of vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Along these vitamins are the A and B vitamins. Beef liver contains a fair amount of both vitamins which are vital to your dog’s health. A vitamins are an antioxidant that supports healthy heart function, digestive, and reproductive health. B vitamins, on the other hand, support your dog’s mental and nerve health by creating a proper protective coating over their brain’s nerves.
Another key compound of beef liver is protein. Since dogs are natural carnivores, they need a fair amount of protein to function properly and develop their body. The protein in the beef liver can provide your dog with all the essential amino acids needed to function. On top of that, the proteins can also increase your dog’s muscular health, reduce their appetite, and drastically improve their metabolic rate.
We’ve written a more definitive guide that contains all the different benefits of beef liver for dogs which you can read here whatthepup.spotandtango.com/is-beef-liver-good-for-dogs/
How Should I Prepare Beef Liver for My Dog?
Just like any food out there, you need to properly prepare beef liver before feeding it to your dog. This is to ensure they get all the nutrients they need, the meat is safe, and also make it easier to digest.
To start, we highly recommend thawing the liver fully before cooking. You can do this the night before to make things more convenient. After thawing, you have to wash the liver to remove all debris from the packaging and ensure it’s clean.
From there, you can proceed to boil the liver in a pot of water. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, and let the liver cook for anywhere between 15-20 minutes. After that, you can wait for the liver to cool then chop it up into smaller pieces.
You can feed the liver to your dog right away or freeze them to use as treats for a couple of weeks!
How Much Beef Liver Should I Feed My Dog?
When it comes to feeding your dog beef liver and other organ meats, keep in mind that these are supplements to their diet. Too much liver can be a bad thing for your dog because of all the fat in it. So, make sure that liver only comprises around 5% of your dog’s diet.
The best way to feed your dog beef liver is to freeze it and give it to them as treats throughout the day. Cooked and frozen beef liver can last a fair amount of time in the freezer, making it a great option for treats.
Before you go feeding beef liver to your dog, it’s very important to consult your vet first. Your vet will know of any potential risks and allergies that your dog may have to beef liver. On top of that, they can also recommend the proper dosage for your dog.
When adding something new to your pet’s diet, always ask your vet first and start slowly. You do not want to shock your dog’s digestive system, which is why we recommend feeding them small amounts of liver and slowly raising the dosage if your dog like the taste and flavor.