Healthy Living Staying Healthy

Important Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

The foods you eat during your pregnancy are important since they are passed onto the baby via the placenta and can aid your baby’s growth or affect their development. You diet is therefore important during the course of your pregnancy.

If you diet consist of healthy balanced diets then there is no need for a special diet during your pregnancy. No food is off limits but you may want to avoid common allergen foods like shellfish and nuts until your delivery. Some moms-to-be get also concerned whether they should take over the counter medication for common illnesses and mild discomfort brought about by the pregnancy. The answer is you should consult your doctor before taking any medicine including Tums While Pregnant.

Also, you might find that you can’t get enough of the essential nutrients you need to keep the baby healthy from your food and you have to take oral supplements for some important vitamins and minerals. Below are some of the important nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy.

Folic acid

Also known as folate, folic acid is important for the neural development of your baby. Ideally, it should be taken pre-conception and during the first month since many people don’t even know they are pregnant by this time yet, all women of child bearing age should be getting folic acid.

Luckily, there are foods rich in folic acid like spinach, legumes and citrus fruits so you can at least get some amounts of it from your diet.

After confirming your pregnancy, you doctor should be able to advise on the appropriate dosage of oral supplements you should take to prevent neural defect in your baby.


Vitamins are important for your own health and that of the baby. You diet should include foods rich in vitamin A which helps improve your baby’s immunity and yours as well to reduce the risk of maternal mortality. You can get dietary supplements for this.

You also need vitamin B6 for the management of morning sickness and for the functions of the nervous system and formation of red blood cells. Vitamin 12 is important in controlling homocysteine levels, which if left unchecked can lead to hypertension during pregnancy. This can be dangerous.

Simply take multivitamin oral supplements if your diet can’t meet your nutritional needs during the pregnancy.


Your nutritional needs increase during the pregnancy but you may also develop aversions for certain foods, some of which may be essential for the growth and development of the foetus. Nonetheless, you still need to get all the essential nutrients including minerals you need for a healthy pregnancy. Some of these minerals include magnesium, zinc and selenium. Women who take magnesium supplements like the ones offered by RnA ReSet have reported that it’s helped them get good sleep, in addition to feeling more calm and patient.  You also need fatty acids like Omega-3.

Magnesium helps with the growth and development of the fetus while selenium prevents anemia and the development of pre-eclampsia. Zinc helps avoid premature birth and other delivery complications. Omega-3 oils help with foetal brain and eye development.

Good news is you can get enough of these from your diet but should there be a need for supplements, consult with your doctor.

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