
Howl-o-Ween Hop: $10 Paypal Cash

Who doesn’t love a little extra cash? Especially this time of the year. There is so much you can do with it. For example you could put it up for travels, gifts, or maybe while they are in school you can go get a cup of coffee and enjoy some peace.

Here is your chance to win a little extra cash ($10) for your pocket via Paypal.


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Woman of Many Roles and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.


63 thoughts on “Howl-o-Ween Hop: $10 Paypal Cash

  1. If I win the money will go towards by my son the shoes. He’s turning 13 and growing like a weed!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. I would use it toward a Christmas present for someone. With 4 kids of my own, one who is still 13 and 5 grandkids under 5 every bit helps.

  3. I would put the cash toward our monthly pantry purchases on Amazon. Thanks for the chance!

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