2 mins read

Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

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For 5 years (college years)  my husband and I lived  12 hours away from family. We were freshly married, poor college students, and 12 hours from family. Needless to say money was very tight and we couldn’t afford to go visit family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. For us, we love Christmas. So we stayed home for Thanksgiving and visited them for Christmas.

One thing I learned during those years was how to live on a budget and just because you are on a budget doesn’t mean that you can’t have a good Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be huge and big dinner. You can just have one (instead of multiple) of each of the basics. Believe it or not you can have a whole Thanksgiving Dinner for $25 dollars. Recently I visited Save-A-Lot to get our family (of 5) a nice holiday meal.

It consisted of:

Ham (I don’t care for Turkey!) : $10  Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

Box of Stuffing: $1

 Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

Corn on The Cob: $2

 Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

Box of Potatoes: $3

 Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

Case of Pop:$3

Pie: $5

Total: $24

Now you can change that up a little but those are my families favorite. My kids are not allowed to drink pop, so that’s a big special treat. You can get a bag of potatoes and no pop. It’s up to you, but the point is you can do a good holiday meal on a budget! Not only was it on a budget but it was also easy and stress free to make. After all the holidays isn’t about the food, but having a good time with the family!

 Host a #HolidayDinner for 5 people under $25 #tistheseason#SaveALotInsiders

What’s the staple holiday food for your family? (For us it’s the ham!)

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