
Holiday Recipe Favorites of the Cozad and Lynn Families

Shauna Lynn from Pickles and Peppers wanted to share with my readers some of her families favorite Holiday recipes. 


3-8oz packages cream cheese        3pks dried beef

1 bunch green onions                       1 tbsp chives

3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce


Mix cream cheese, chopped dried beef, chopped onions, & Worcestershire sauce.  Mix well and use hands to shape into a ball. Cover with chives.




Grandma Ruby’s Famous Rolls

½ cup oil                                    ½ cup powdered milk

1 tsp salt                                   1 cup sugar

2 packages yeast                               2 cups warm water

6 ½ cups flour                           2 eggs (beaten)


Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix all ingredients together except yeast water, flour and eggs.  Add yeast water and mix until incorporated.  Add flour and mix well.  Add eggs and mix again until mixture is fully incorporated.  Let rise in a bowl two times, punching it down in between risings.  After the second rising, form rolls and let them rise a third time. Bake risen rolls at 375 degrees for approximately 13 minutes.




Raw Cranberry Salad

1 box lemon Jell-O                             1 ¾ cup water

1 cup cranberries                               1 cup apples                      

1 cup celery                                       1 cup nuts

1 cup sugar


Mix all ingredients together in a food processor or blender until finely chopped but not pureed.  Refrigerate until Jell-O is set.  Serve cold.



Holiday Punch

2 bottles cranberry juice

1 large bottle apple juice

2 1quart bottles ginger-ale or 7 10oz bottles 7-up


Combine cranberry juice and apple juice and chill.  Add ginger-ale or 7-up immediately before serving.



Hot Cider

1 qt. cranberry juice                  2 qt apple cider

¾ cup brown sugar                     3 whole cloves

2 cinnamon sticks


Simmer all ingredients for 20 min and serve hot.




4 cups sugar                              ¾ cup water

1 cup light corn syrup                 3 egg whites

1 tsp vanilla                               1 cup nuts


Place sugar, syrup and water in sauce pan over low heat.  Stir until sugar is dissolved. Then cook without stirring until it forms hard balls in cold water (or to hard ball stage with a candy thermometer).  Remove from heat. After beating 3 egg whites into stiff peaks pour sugar mixture into them beating constantly until mixture holds its shape and loses its gloss. Add vanilla and nuts, drop quickly onto wax paper and allow cooling.



Date Balls

½ cup butter                                      1 tsp vanilla

¾ cup sugar                                       ½ tsp salt

½ lb diced dates                                 ½ cup chopped pecans

1 beaten egg                                      2 cups rice crispies

*additional nuts or coconut 1 tbsp milk


Cook butter, sugar and dates over low heat until mixture comes to a boil.  Mix together egg, milk, vanilla and salt.  Add to date mixture and cook 2 minutes.  Cool mixture then add nuts & crispies.  Form into small 1″ balls and roll in coconut or additional chopped nuts.



Crazy Cake

1 ½ cup flour                                     3 tbsp cocoa

1 tsp baking soda                               2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 cup cold water                                        1 cup sugar

1 tsp salt                                           5 tbsp vegetable/canola oil

1 tsp vanilla


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In cake pan combine dry ingredients and sift together (flour, cocoa, baking soda, sugar, & salt) When sifted create 3 holes or wells in the dry ingredients.  In one well pour vinegar, in the next the oil & in the last the vanilla. Pour the water over all ingredients.  Stir well with a fork.  Bake in over for 25-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.




Johnny Marzetti

1 pkg no yolk noodles                  1 lb ground beef

1 can diced tomatoes                  2 tbsp tomato paste

1 diced onion                              2-4 cloves garlic, minced

1-2 cups tomato juice                 3 bay leaves

1 tbsp dried Italian seasoning      1 package Mozzarella cheese

Parmesan, Asiago or other sharp Italian cheese


Brown beef, add onion and garlic and sauté until translucent.  Add tomatoes, tomato paste, Italian seasoning, bay leaves and tomato juice and stir until combined.  Place no yolk noodles in baking dish, sprinkle with sharp Italian cheese(s).  Pour beef mixture over noodles.  Make sure there is enough liquid to cook the noodles, you can always add more tomato juice or a little water if it cooks dry.  Bake until noodles look cooked in a 350 degree oven.  When noodles look done, top dish with mozzarella cheese and more sharp cheese, bake until cheese is brown and bubbly.  Enjoy!

To find more of her recipes you can visit her Recipe Pages: Main Dishes, Full Meals, and Sides on her blog.

What is your favorite Holiday recipe? Are you going to try one of these?

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