Helpful Tips When Preparing for a Move
When you buy or build a home, there is noting quite so exciting as moving day! Chaos and clutter may reign supreme, but that probably means good things are happening. Moving your household involves so many things – more than just loading boxes. Below are a few important and helpful tips to get you on your way.
Get Some Help
Moving can be a monumental task with all of the boxing, cleaning, sorting, packing and organization that needs to happen. You also need to keep real life going (school, works, etc.), so making things a bit easier on yourself will be well worth it. In the long run, many people prefer to use a moving service to help pack up and load items into one of those convenient mobile storage containers Homestead Florida. They can even drive it to your location and help unload it.
Notify utilities
The utility companies cannot usually drop everything and run to your location. Rather, they need a bit of warning so they can schedule someone to come out and turn on your utilities. This applies to natural gas, electric, water and sewer, garbage pick-up as well as your Internet, landline and cable, digital or satellite television. It would be best to notify them three weeks to a month ahead and then to confirm appointments three or four days beforehand. This can help prevent either the utility service person, or you from having to wait around, or in some cases, get stood up by the other party.
Contact the schools
If you have children, you should get in touch with the office at the school they will be attending after the move and make sure they have room in the classes, and can meet any special needs your child may have. It is important to find out what documentation, references, or proof of vaccinations your school may require ahead of time to avoid delays and problems on the first day of classes. Make sure your child is properly enrolled, as that first few days may be difficult emotionally without any additional red tape.
You may also want to check the bus or train schedules and rates ahead of time. Print the schedule and keep it handy for the first couple of weeks until you have found the best route for you. And do not forget to submit change of address notices to the post office well in advance. Employing all of these tips can help make your move more seamless and get you back to enjoying the good life in your new home.