Food Must Have Products

A Healthy Crunchy Snack Harvest Snaps

This post was created in partnership with Harvest Snaps. I have been compensated for this post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


This time of the year I swear I spend more time on the road than I do at home. We have games, practices, doctor appointments, holidays traveling, and whatever else comes up. It makes it pretty hard to stay on my diet. It’s hard to find healthy food/snacks that you can eat quickly and/or on the road. That’s one thing I love about Harvest Snaps. You can do just that! Get some healthy, yummy, quick, and easy snack on the road (or at home!)

About Lentil Snaps: Onion Thyme

Oh, the onion. Sweet yet tangy and oozing with a flavor all it’s own, it adds a little pep to, well, everything! Paired with the slightly minty, dry herbal taste of thyme and sprinkled on our crispy Lentil Snap crunch, it’s a synthesis of savory snacking you’ll come back to again and again.

About Lentil Snaps: Tomato Basil

You can’t go wrong with this garden-fresh combination. Dive into this all-time flavor-favorite with our take on ripe tomatoes and sweet, aromatic basil on a light, crispy lentil base. Lentil Snaps Tomato & Basil is a new twist on a timeless taste.

About Snapea Crisps: Lightly Salted

The smooth, mild flavor of the pea is already delicious. So why mess with Mother Nature? We simply sprinkled it with a little salt to bring out the flavor and, voilà! Natural goodness, made great. Perfect for a post-workout snack, lunch side or crunchy topping on a salad, Lightly Salted Snapea Crisps are so simply good, you can eat them with anything, anywhere.

About Snapea Crisps: Caesar

It’s a classic flavor that’s known for being as rich in calories as it is in taste. But now you can indulge in that one-of-a-kind Caesar taste without the guilt! Made from 60% pea, Snapea Crisps Caesar blends tangy and savory for a delicious, shameless way to snack.

About Snapea Crisps: Black Pepper

Looking to spice up your snack life? We’ve taken the simple taste of pea, applied the perfect pinch of pepper, and created a warm kick of flavor your taste buds won’t forget. If you’re looking to make a bold impression on your taste buds, Snapea Crisps Black Pepper is a lip-smacking way to switch things up.

About Snapea Crisps: Wasabi Ranch

Custom-made for the adventurous snacker, Snapea Crisps Wasabi Ranch will having you saying, “Oh, snap!” We married the intense flavor of wasabi with the refreshing taste of cool ranch to creative a flavor that invigorates the senses.

A Healthy Crunchy Snack Harvest Snaps

My Thoughts:

Harvest Snaps is my kind of snack. It’s so easy to take on the road. I don’t bring the whole back because I would eat it all. So what I do is poor a little bit in a TWO zip lock baggies and throw them in my diaper bag. I must have two because I learned the hard way if I don’t Carly Jo will eat all my snacks. This way she has her own and I have my own. I call that thinking ahead. Bryson (my picky eater) and I both like the crispy texture foods, so he was pretty pleased with these treats. He’s favorite was the lightly salted. Carly Jo really will eat just about anything, but she tended to wolf down the Wasabi Ranch! She has her dad taste buds for sure. I however can’t stand a bit of spice or hotness. Mine and Zoey’s favorite was Tomato Basil. All around I would say Harvest Snaps is a win for the Odell family. They area easy to take on the road, a flavor for everyone, and have the crunch texture that we love!

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