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A Great Read: There are Many i’s in Team

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there are many i's in team

If you read my Minute For Mom post this week you learned I am trying to read more. It almost seems impossible with having three kids, being a wife, and a blogger. Although this book isn’t on my reading list for this week it is one I am considered for next week. Maybe the week after depending how long it will take me to get through my current book.

About There Are Many i’s in Team:

  “We are all on Teams, Many Teams and for most they have nothing to do with sports at all. We are on a team at home, work, school, church, and numerous organizations, and possibly on the sports field or court? Players, Teams, Coaches affect us all. Manager/Employee, Parent/Child, Coach/Athlete, Teacher of any kind/Student, Leader/Member are all team scenarios involving Player and Coach, something most people don’t even consider.

“There Are Many i’s in Team” is an honest with sometimes humorous accounts that will open up and help you understand that the sign has been wrong all these years. It will give you an insight of all the coaching opportunities we overlook each and every day on and off the field, in the living room, the board room, the class room, the meeting room, the locker room, and the community. This book will absolutely help you be a better coach for sports at all levels, but also in non-sport leadership, a better teacher, a better manager, a better spouse or companion, a better parent and in turn a better and more successful player, in all the games you are in, including the game of life.

For that matter what is a team and what is a team supposed to do? Who are you a player or a coach or possibly even both and can you do it better? Are you even aware of all the Teams you are on? Most all of us are coaches. Most of us don’t know it or want to admit it and for more teams than we realize. Our Players are the key to success and winning, if we don’t truly know our players, how can we teach them, train them, encourage them to give a stellar outstanding performance in their game, our game? All of your Teams are competing, even crying out for your time, attention, skill and talent, this will make you more efficient at managing and playing.

The players define their Coach and make us as Coaches look good, bad or even Great. But In turn we define our Players, so it is a blatant two-way street. They are a product of us and we are Recognized by how well we train them and they look to us or they should, to lead them, teach them, encourage them and at times defend them. Depending on how well we do all that for our players will be a direct and ultimately define how well our Team does and Our Success. It is all about the players, they hold our key to how we are perceived. This holds true in every facet of Life. Every team we are on. Every game we play in.

Do we even understand why they are playing, the game, and why they want to be on the Team, your Team? Do you know the rules? Every game has them and they define the game, tell us how to play the particular game we and our team are involved in and participating, with how to win. We need to know the rules, and the rules can be very different, intricate, complicated, and sometimes even down right confusing. But knowing the rules, the real rules, inside and out it makes you a better Coach and Player. Having a clear picture, gives you a leg up on your competition.

What I hope to get from the book:

I hope to learn how to better control everything in my life. Being a mom isn’t that simple. We play so many characters. For me sometimes that get overwhelming. I want it to  help me and my teams to take a very different look at the many games we are involved in and help me not only play them better but hopefully enjoy them, or enjoy them more, even have fun playing them. All games should be FUN. When they stop being fun, we stop playing. Learn how to make your Teams and Players perform better, get bigger rewards and have FUN playing, including the game of life while being more successful and really winning.

The best part of this book is it’s not aimed for just sports. There are many different kind of  “games” we play. What do you think you can learn from this book??

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