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Giving All Year Long : The Sparkle Box

The Sparkle Box introduces a fun and exciting  way to celebrate giving during the holiday season. There is a box included with the book, that you can put under your tree. The idea is every time someone in your house helps someone in need, you add a piece of paper to the box saying what you did. Then on Christmas, you open the box and read them aloud. The Sparkle Box contents are your gift to Jesus. What an adorable lesson in giving and how wonderful to celebrate the true sense of Christmas in addition to all of the hustle and bustle and gifts that come along with the holiday.

Giving is a hard concept to learn especially for little ones. That’s the one thing I like about The Sparkle Box. It puts it in a language that even little ones can understand. It shows by example. For one instance in the book a little boy gave up a piece candy he had bought and gave it to some  who look hungry. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did something like this. So many times do people go all year-long and not think about giving until Christmas hits. I don’t know what it is about Christmas. But honestly we need to think about giving all year-long! It shouldn’t be just Christmas. That’s why I wanted to share this book with you now even though it’s not Christmas!

About the author:

Author Jill Hardie and her family began placing a gift for Jesus under their Christmas tree as a way of bringing more meaning to the holiday. The first time they opened His gift, the commercialism of the season melted away and they felt profound joy and peace. Jill hopes that the Sparkle Box will spark a new Christmas tradition, bringing light into thousands of lives.

About the illustrator:

At a very early age, Christine Kornacki developed a  love for painting and bringing stories to life. After receiving a BFA in illustration from the University of Hartford, her dream of illustrating children’s books began to take shape. She spends her days painting in her studio, which joins a charming cafe in New Haven, Connecticut.

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