Giddy Up Game #2019WOMRHoliday
I love giving games for the holiday season and happen to have a neice who loves horses, so the Giddy Up Game seemed to be a great one for her. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

This game is simple and fun for kids to play, and easy to learn also. In this game you have 3-4 players, each player takes a turn reading a colorful description of a horse and then all the other players secretly vote which horse they think it is.

This is a fun party game for children and is recommended for ages 6 and up. It doesn’t take long to play and you actually learn quite a bit about different horses. I never really thought of different horses, but I’ve learned a lot playing this game with the kids. This is a great game to have around if you have kids or host game night. It’s one that all kids can enjoy playing.