What Do You Get the Horse Who Has Everything?
Whether you’re part of a horsey family or you’ve finally gotten your prince or princess that pony they’ve always wanted, owning an equine is a big responsibility. Aside from regular care from a qualified vet, you want to make sure you have the essential accessories as well as a few extras to show your animals love. If you’re shopping form home, you can visit VPD online for horse products. You can also find what you need at a veterinary or pet shop that specializes in pleasing livestock and show animals.
Grooming Basics and Extras
Horses sweat, roll in the mud and ideally get a bit of a workout. Metal mud brushes and a rubber curry comb are two basic bits of beauty equipment. A good brushing is in order before saddle and tack are placed to help avoid skin irritation. They should be walked for a brief cool-down after racing or pleasure riding, and then unsaddled and brushed down again immediately. Use a natural-0bristle dandy brush to remove dander and loose hair. If your horse is a show horse, you can finish the job with a softer face and body brush.
Potions for Soothing an Healing
Much like humans, the largest organ in the equine body is its skin. From flies to saddle sores, there a range of issues that can cause your pet pain and discomfort. Damp and mud can cause dermatitis as well as hoof problems like cracks and fungal infections. Hooves should be filed, cleaned out and shooed to protect them. A mild antiseptic soap should clear up any mild dermal problems as long as they are addressed as soon as they begin to develop.
Horses can also develop skin cancer, but many are easy to treat when spotted early. Look for signs like warts or unusual lumps during grooming and have them checked out by a vet immediately. Skin allergies from flies and other insect bites may start as little lumps that are similar to skin cancers, but quickly develop into rashes or sores. Your vet will have slaves to take care of these.
Health and Nutrition
Horses are dedicated herbivores with delicate digestive systems. Digestion takes a long time, which is why they tend to nibble and graze all day. When they’re not pastured, They should have several small meals each day that are high in fiber. Domesticated horses are prone to obesity if they’re not exercised regularly. Horses also have a tendency toward other metabolic ailment alike equine metabolic syndrome and laminitis if they are overexposed to unfamiliar feed.
The ideal living situation is some place where they have access to grasses and plants to maintain their teeth as well as plenty of fresh water. In the off-season or in places where fresh grasses are sparse, hay is the best alternative. Make sure that your feed has the proper amount of vitamins and other nutrients to keep your horse healthy. An occasional ear of corn or a carrot is a nice treat. You can also place a fortified salt block in the field or pasture, especially in warmer months.
If you’re boarding you beastie, basic care and supplemental nutrition products may be available as part of the boarding fee. Otherwise, you can make sure they have the products you prefer at your stable of choice or on your property by purchasing them yourself. Ordering online is the best way to find specialty products or those they may not be available if you’re in a remote location.